Viruses, Bacteria, And Fungi

About The Book

This book combines modern advancements in fungal, bacterial, and viral systematics with information on historical fundamental elements. The morphology, life cycle, and economic applications of fungi in human life are all covered in the fungi textbook. An effort has been made specifically to study the biological functions of the microbial products. They manufacture a variety of medications, such as antibiotics and blood pressure-lowering medications. It is usual to conflate viruses, bacteria, and fungus because they are the root of many well-known diseases, but they are as dissimilar as a mouse and an elephant. The key differences between these germs can be identified by examining their sizes, structures, reproduction, hosts, and diseases they cause. Our supply of effective antibiotics is running out due to bacterial drug resistance, A catastrophe for global public health seems likely. Poor monetary support for antibiotic research has made things worse. A few years ago, numerous eminent scientific organisations issued a call to action that galvanised the scientific community, and since then, the field of antimicrobial research has expanded significantly. These are quite little, basic creatures. They are so small, in fact, that they can only be observed under the special, extremely potent microscope known as an electron microscope, and they are so uncomplicated that they aren't even thought of as being alive. The book discusses bacteria, viruses, and fungi in light of modern knowledge.

ISBN 9781778806847
Author Peter Mitchel
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Peter Mitchel is a Senior lecturer who works in the microbiology division. He received a job offer once his doctoral thesis was approved. With more than fifteen years of expertise, Peter Mitchel has instructed a variety of foundational and advanced immunology courses to students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is renowned for his capacity to reduce complicated observations to a series of straightforward steps.