World Religions

About The Book

Religion can be defined as a cultural system consisting of designated behaviours and practises, world views, books, sacred locations, ethics, and institutions that connects humans to the transcendent or supernatural. A cosmic "order of existence," as anthropologist Clifford Geertz has put it, is something that religions connect mankind to. However, academics cannot agree on a universal definition of religion. This book will provide you a foundational knowledge of the world's religious variety by exploring the various and frequently contradictory theories and interpretations of spiritual and historical concerns. This book makes an admirable effort to summarise the key tenets of the world's major faiths and present them in an accessible and understandable format. This book is perfect for the curious reader who wants to learn more about different religions through firsthand experience. Understanding the similarities and history of peaceful co-existence among the world's religions is encouraged in the book Introduction to World Religions. There is an emphasis on learning from each other and living together peacefully regardless of one's religious beliefs.

ISBN 9781778808025
Author Edith Levy
Publication Year 2023
Category Travel & Tourism Management
Price $171.00

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Edith Levy is a Professor of Contemporary Religion Casey Howard He is widely recognised and respected throughout the world as the foremost teacher of world religions. Casey Howard is the holder of twelve honorary degrees, and his nineteen books include the best-selling The World's Religions, Why Religion Matters, and Tales of Wonder, his autobiography. He was a Spiritual Counterfeits Project researcher and the author of Crystal Clear: Understanding and Reaching New Agers. Edith Levy received his education at Central Methodist University. The work finds a careful balance between hard fact and delicate perception, as well as the best traditions of phenomenology and religious history. It also shows how greatly religions can change throughout time.